Monday, January 6, 2014

The Science Behind the Pistons in a Car

Many people dont know what makes the car go forward or backwards or what makes it move at all. I am going to explain that.

When the car is in motion the pistons are turning like this(below).

In the empty space between the top of the cylinder and the piston head a gas and air mixture is injected. Once the piston moves upward toward the top of the cylinder the gas and air mixture explodes causeing combustion and forcing the piston back down which turns the crankshaft. The crankshaft is the long skinny green bar in the bottom of the picture. Have you ever been driving to school or the grocery store and see an 18-wheeler or like a Uhaul truck beside you? You probably say a long bent spinning shaft under the truck, right? That is called the crank shaft and that is what turns the wheels. It is also powered by the combustion of the pistons.

That is how the pistons and crankshaft work.


 "How Car Engines Work." HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Jan. 2014.

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